Image | Name | Summary | Price | Buy | SKU |
12 Puffin Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with salted caramel. Puffins pair up for life and raise just one precious Puffling a year, it takes its name from the Old Norse word for Puffin. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-SC-PUF-150 | ||
12 Robin Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with a fine hazelnut praline or salted caramel. Robin Redbreast is loved by many. His song is beautiful and joyous, and he sings with all his heart and soul. He is one the few birds whose can be heard all year round. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-M-ROB-150 | ||
Three French Hens 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with a fine hazelnut praline or salted caramel. “The archetypal French Hen is actually a Faverolle, originally a cross between the Cochin and Houdan breeds. They are easily recognised by their fluffy feather mufflers and the overall impression is one of excessive plumage and vanity – even their legs are feathered, and beneath the furry trousers each foot has 5 toes.” | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-X-TFH-150 | ||
12 Red Legged Partridge Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with salted caramel. The Red-Legged Partridge was first introduced to Britain from France in the late seventeenth century. He is a sociable bird and enjoys the company of family and friends. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-SC-RLP-150 | ||
12 Rainbow Lovebird Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with a fine hazelnut praline or salted caramel. “Lovebirds are one of the smaller members of the parrot family. These brightly coloured pretty birds are so named on account of the deep monogamous bond that they form with their mate and they are affectionate, sociable and intelligent.” | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-M-LBV-150 | ||
12 Cuckoo Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with a fine hazelnut praline or salted caramel. The female cuckoo has an anti-social reputation, known to oust innocent songbird eggs from their nests, replacing them with her own parents. Awarded 5 stars and Best Buy in Jeremy Lee’s Egg Taste Test for the Observer | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-M-CUC-150 | ||
12 Blue Tit Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with a fine hazelnut praline or salted caramel. Sporting a blue cap and proud yellow chest, the Blue Tit is a much-loved visitor to the garden. His song is loud and high-pitched and ends in a sudden trill. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-M-BT-150 | ||
12 Capercaillie Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with salted caramel. These delicious eggs are made for us in France with a buttery salted caramel ganache, and the use of a touch of ‘fleur de sel’ salt in the caramel intensifies the flavour. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-SC-CAP-150 | ||
12 Pheasant Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with a fine hazelnut praline. Introduced to Britain by the Romans, the hoarse call of the male Pheasant is loud and explosive and is usually followed by emphatic cackling as he takes to the air. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-P-PHE-150 | ||
12 Barn Owl Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with a fine hazelnut praline. Barn Owls are nocturnal hunters and have excellent night vision with which to catch their prey. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-P-OWL-150 | ||
12 Turtle Dove Eggs 150g x Knepp | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with a fine hazelnut praline or salted caramel. “The dainty turtle dove is Britain’s only migratory dove.” This is another success story for the re-wilding project at Knepp. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-M-TD-150 | ||
12 Kingfisher Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with a fine hazelnut praline or salted caramel. The Kingfisher cuts a dash with his electric blue plumage and rusty-orange under feathers and is dazzling when seen in flight, often zig-zagging along the riverbank. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-M-KF-150 | ||
12 Quail Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with a fine hazelnut praline. The petite Quail keeps to himself and is hard to spot because of his reluctance to take to the skies. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-P-QUA-150 | ||
12 Swallow Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with a fine hazelnut praline or salted caramel. “The swallow is a keen and agile aviator, graceful and swooping in flight. Though you may see them perched like musical notes on telephone wires, they lead an almost constant airborne life, migrating enormous distances to and from Africa.” | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-M-SWA-150 | ||
12 Nightingale Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with a fine hazelnut praline or salted caramel. “The elusive Nightingale is more often heard than seen. His captivating liquid song offers great variation in pitch and tempo and has earned him his reputation as one of Europe’s most impressive songsters.” This is one of the more remarkable success stories of the re-wilding project at Knepp. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-M-NIT-150 | ||
12 Goldfinch Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with a fine hazelnut praline. The striking black and red facemask and yellow wing bars have earned Goldfinches their reputation for being one of our most handsome birds. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-P-GF-150 | ||
12 Blackbird Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with a fine hazelnut praline. Europe’s most familiar bird, the Blackbird is a virtuoso songster. The confident, full-throated melody of his song can be heard from dawn until dusk. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-P-BBE-150 | ||
12 Song Thrush Eggs 150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with salted caramel. The Song Thrush is renowned for his musical ability. Often delivering his song from a high perch above; the overall impression is triumphant. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-SC-STE-150 | ||
Rose and Violet Creams 200g | Made entirely by hand, these chocolates have been lovingly mixed, poured and coated in the same way to the same recipe for decades. Subtly flavoured with natural flower oils, these are a very English treat and part of the Detective’s Curated Collection! | £27.50 inc. VAT | LC-RVL-200 | ||
Rose and Violet Creams 80g | Made entirely by hand, these chocolates have been lovingly mixed, poured and coated in the same way to the same recipe for decades. Subtly flavoured with natural flower oils, these are a very English treat and part of the Detective’s Curated Collection! There are 6 chocolates in this mini box. | £15.00 inc. VAT | LC-RVS-80 | ||
12 Blue Jay Eggs 5.2oz/150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with salted caramel. The Blue Jay has smart blue, white and black plumage and a distinct loud recognisable call. They are known for their intelligence and they form tight family bonds. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-SC-UBJ-150 | ||
12 American Robin Eggs 5.2oz/150g | 12 Chocolate Eggs filled with a fine hazelnut praline or salted caramel. The American Robin (Turdus migratorius) is a migratory songbird with a red-orange breast, gray back, and yellow bill. Common in North American gardens, it’s known for early spring arrival. | £14.50 inc. VAT | E-M-UROB-150 | ||
Pacific Island Drinking Chocolate, Vanuatu, Malekula Island 2.5kg | 72% cocoa drinking chocolate, Malekula Island, Vanuatu (Pacific). 2.5kg | £115.00 | DC-PIVM-72-2.5KG | ||
Image | Name | Summary | Price | Buy | SKU |