Press Release January 2022
“The dainty Turtle Dove is Britain’s only migratory dove. Their gentle cooing purr reminds us of summer days & courtship, they form strong and lasting partnerships and have become cultural emblems of devoted love.”
Description and illustrations by Madeleine Floyd, author Birdsong.
6 salted caramel & 6 hazelnut praline eggs in a box £12.75
Following on from the success of the egg collections last year we are launching the Love Bird eggs in time for Valentines day (January 14). This limited edition with two turtle doves facing each other, forming a heart shape between them, will be replaced with two birds side by side as part of the ongoing collection. They will be available online from 1st February and to personal callers at our first POP UP collection, hosted by Rachel Vosper in Kinnerton St, where we shall also be previewing our Easter collection (see below for details).
Working with Madeleine Floyd
Early last year I was contacted by illustrator Madeleine Floyd, Madeleine was moved by the dedication of the NHS teams since the start of the pandemic and had created an uplifting image of the Rainbow Nightingale to raise funds for the Florence Nightingale Foundation. She had the idea of doing a box of rainbow coloured eggs that would also raise funds for FNF. It was a daunting task in a very short space of time, and we pulled it off.
Following on from the almost instant sell out of this collection, we looked at other birds for Easter and came up with hand coloured black bird and song thrush eggs, as well as robin eggs, using illustrations from her book Birdsong. We were caught off guard as we launched these on instagram and the orders came in thick and fast. We frantically packed eggs, and they continued to fly out, and did not stop even over the summer. It feels like we have touched a nerve with bird and chocolate lovers, this small box of 12 eggs seems to be the perfect gift…
St Valentine’s; a potted history:
Saint Valentine was an early Christian saint who was martyred in A.D. 270. His name is now synonymous with love and romance. He is in fact the patron saint of beekeepers, courting couples, married couples and epileptics.
St Valentine’s Day 14th February
The feast of spring is heralded by birds starting to find their partners, to start their courtships, to build nests and lay their eggs.
#Enduringlove #Spring #Fertility #Doves #lovebirds #Valentines #romance #chocolate