We’ve just launched a Crowd Funder #NetPositiveChocolate to create a permanent home for The Grenada Chocolate Factory Business that can make a lasting impact on inequality and climate change.
6 reasons to back this project:
- To eat excellent organic vegan friendly chocolate made from the finest cocoa in the world
- To get special offers and discounts as part of this “pay it forward” campaign
- To design a purpose built solar powered zero carbon chocolate on the Caribbean island of Grenada
- To ensure the future of an island business that provides real jobs in a local cocoa economy
- Support the farm to bar business model & connect back to the cocoa farmers & chocolate makers
- Support the bio diversity and eco systems that thrive in managed organic farming. The first 50 people who choose this reward will get their funding matched by the Chocolate Detective.
£10 Direct to Farmers & Workers in Grenada WI
This reward will be matched by the Chocolate Detective so will be worth £20. The money will go into a fund to be distributed directly to the farmers and workers at the Grenada Chocolate Company who are suffering from loss of income due to Covid-19.