Screenshot 2022-10-07 at 18.22.23
Autumn leaves
October 2022
Hello subscriber,

These lovely autumn days with deep red and gold leaves, and blue skies remind us of the long hot summer when shipping chocolate was just not an option. Looking forward now to winter and Christmas, we are busy designing our new collection of gifts, you will be the first to know when they are launched. We will be incorporating several new T2B chocolates (Tree to bar or made in origin) and a vegan sea salt milk chocolate too. Special offers at the end of this email

2 Recipes for delicious wheat free cakes


In Other news - Imperial College

Its been a great experience working with a group of students at Imperial College and their visiting professor & designer Nick Munro on a project “What does clever taste like?” - which is about to bear fruit, more in the next edition...

A road trip to Scotland on the horizon

It has been one of my dreams for a while, and there are so many people and places I want to visit, my lovely artist friend Sara Pinto in Glasgow (whose cake you can see pictured), Rosemary Moon on Orkney and the Long Ship where our Puffin eggs have been flying off their shelves, as well as the stationery & gift shop Paper Tiger in Edinburgh who have been great supporters for many years. One of the most exciting businesses is Blackthorn Scottish Sea Salt - who have built enormous wooden towers filled with blackthorn branches which are used to grow the crystals of salt using centuries old technology to create a brilliant complex salt. We are using this in all our recipes which call for salt.

Ukraine revisited

Coming soon - We're working with Different Kind again, supporting cook/activist - Olia Herculies, she initiated #CookForUkraine with Unicef
@oliahercules on instagram

Working with the V&A

Our Christmas special edition of slightly tipsy Partridges in a Pear Tree has been chosen by the V&A for their shop this winter, and we have been invited to come to their members event on December 3rd

Bonnington Centre Christmas Fair

Bonnington Centre Christmas Fair w/e 10/11th December

Special Offer

Right now we are making space in our cupboards and here is our 2for1 offer - while stocks last. We're offering our Provençal "Chocolate" Olives, Golden Sea salt wafers and Quails eggs half price before October 23 using the discount code '2for1autumn' Recommended best before end of November.
An image of...

Save the date Chelsea Physic Garden.
Save the date Chelsea Physic Garden.
Thanks for reading. See you soon!

Very best wishes
Signature Chantal crop
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