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Hi subscriber,

Are you still reeling from all the celebrations for the Queens Jubilee? Do you need chocolate to boost your energy?

And what plans do you have for mid summer equinox?

And next weekend we have Father’s Day in the UK. I don't remember celebrating Father's Day as a child, and guess that if we had it might have been on the feast of St Joseph on March 19th, my mother loved telling the story of her school days when in March they were encouraged to raise funds for their Lenten charity St Joseph's Penny - her brother devised a game of chance using straws that raised lots of money - the nuns were delighted until they discovered that the the money was the proceeds of gambling.

My research tells me that the American holiday was started by was founded by Sonora Smart Dodd in West Virginia to honour the fathers killed in the Monongah Mine Disaster.

Please use the coupon code 5M89QKUD for our special 25% discount offer on the following:
To be sure of delivery before June 19th please order early this week or choose delivery by Royal Mail Track 24 when ordering by Thursday morning at the latest.
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Hope you’re having a lovely summer so far, look out for more offers coming soon.

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