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The Chocolate Detective arrives at Rachel Vosper - Belgravia
This small collection of six salted caramel and six hazelnut praline eggs is the perfect gift for the one you love. The limited edition box, illustrated by Madeleine Floyd, features two turtle doves facing each other, forming a heart shape between them. The illustration will then be replaced with two birds side by side as part of the ongoing collection. …
Bean Counter
Absolutely Kensington & Chelsea February 2022 by Zest Media Group - Issuu @chantalcoady sells a range of ‘broken chocolate’ in the Chocolate Detective recipes, including an intriguing white chocolate with wild fennel and cardamom (it’s delicious, and a world away from overly sweet white chocolate thanks to its aniseedy flavour and subtle cardamom notes). Chocolate, says Coady, is like wine, and …